Kraft releases new statement about foul odor in Champaign linked to malfunction


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Jun 25, 2023

Kraft releases new statement about foul odor in Champaign linked to malfunction

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WAND) - The City of Champaign received complaints from people about a foul odor coming from the area of Eisner Park/Glenn Park last week. Public Works crews were dispatched to inspect

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WAND) - The City of Champaign received complaints from people about a foul odor coming from the area of Eisner Park/Glenn Park last week.

Public Works crews were dispatched to inspect the City’s sewers and other potential sources of the odor.

The City said it was determined the odor was not related to the City’s sewer infrastructure.

The Urbana Champaign Sanitary District said that they were working with Kraft on a malfunction with their pre-treatment facility.

Kraft Heinz sent WAND News an updated statement saying,

“The Kraft Heinz manufacturing facility in Champaign, IL recently experienced an issue with its waste-water treatment system that treats the water used in our operation of the plant, resulting in a small group of people experiencing an unpleasant odor. The issue was related to the wastewater treatment plant and was not related to a chemical or hazardous material. We fixed the issue and are working closely with our team of subject matter experts and the Urbana and Champaign Sanitary District to find a swift and comprehensive solution to mitigate the lingering odors.

To address the odor issue, we have implemented a variety of measures daily, such as introducing odor reducers into the facility’s system and increasing the flow of oxygen in the pond. These measures are working as confirmed by air quality tests at the facility perimeter. Since the odor is caused by a natural, biological process, it takes time for the countermeasures to take effect and for the odor to dissipate. We are in the process of receiving more equipment to help increase the flow of oxygen in the pond and expedite remediation of the odor. The EPA has visited, and we are implementing our solutions to fix the issue and mitigate any odors under their oversight. We will continue to take actions as needed to address any residual odors and reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the odors in the future.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our community and are always committed to ensuring our operations align with the highest of standards of environmental responsibility."

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