Taku River Tlingit First Nation reclaims traditional place names in British Columbia


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Oct 28, 2023

Taku River Tlingit First Nation reclaims traditional place names in British Columbia

Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 7:47 AM British Columbia (KINY) - Taku River Tlingit First Nation announced the reclamation of 13 Tlingit Place Names in their traditional territory within what is currently

Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 7:47 AM

British Columbia (KINY) - Taku River Tlingit First Nation announced the reclamation of 13 Tlingit Place Names in their traditional territory within what is currently British Columbia.

Place names are anchors of the Tlingit language on the land. They are essential markers of the Taku River Tlingit territory, as well as indicators of where their ancestors traveled and where they continue to travel.

These place names are key elements in Tlingit stories, carriers of ecological knowledge, and a legacy passed down through generations of Tlingit speakers.

TRTFN said in a statement that, The process of reclaiming place names enables communities to establish a harmonious connection with the land, restoring its inherent spirit. This not only allows for a deeper understanding of the land but also encourages the practice of referring to it by its original name, fostering respectful dialogue between humans and their environment.

“The acknowledgment of Tlingit names on British Columbia maps holds equal importance to our cherished Kwaay, our significant landmarks.” - TRTFN Chief Spokesperson, Charmaine Thom

Here is a list of the place names:

March 22, 2023:K’iyán Mountain (pronounced KEY-yawn), previously known as Minto MountainA X̲eegí Deiyí Shaa (pronounced A-HEE-gi DAY-yi Shaa), formerly known as Monarch Mountain

July 28, 2023:T’ooch’ Héeni (pronounced t-ooch HEE-nee), previously 4th of July CreekKoosawu.áa Héen (pronounced KOO-sa-woo ah HEEN), formerly known as Pine CreekKoosawu Áa (pronounced KOO-sa-woo AH), previously Surprise LakeDaatgaadláaḵ X’áat’i (pronounced daht-gahd-LAK HAHT-tee), previously Third IslandUtajée X’áat’i (pronounced oot-ta-jee HAHT-tee), previously Second IslandWéinaa X’áat’i (pronounced WAY-nah HAHT-tee), previously First IslandIn Héeni (pronounced IN HEE-nee), formerly known as McKee CreekYat’aayi Héen G̱eeyí (pronounced yut-AYE heen gee-YIH), formerly known as Warm BayYat’aayi Héen (pronounced yut-AYE heen), formerly known as Warm Bay Hot SpringsWatsíx Héeni (pronounced wat-seek HEE-nee), previously the O’Donnell RiverTaaltsux̱éi Héen (pronounced tal-soo-kay heen), previously spelled Tulsequah River